Federal University of Medical and Health Science Kwale Recruitment – Federal University of Medical and Health Science, Kwale, Delta State (FUMHSK) invites application form interested and suitably qualified person to apply for 2024/2024 job vacancy recruitment for Academic and Non-academic Staff. See requirements, application process and how to apply below.

The management of the Federal University of Medical and Health Science, Kwale, Delta State (FUMHSK) hereby inform the general public for 2024/2024 job vacancy recruitment for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. See requirements and how to apply for FUMHSK Recruitment below.
We need lecturers who can lecture in any of the departments and programmes below:
Basic Medical Science:
- Human Anatomy
- Physiology
- Medical Sociology
Basic Clinical Science:
- Pathology (Morbid Anatomy or Histopathology)
- Chemical Pathology
- Haematology and Blood Transfusion
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Clinical Sciences:
- Anaesthesiology
- Community Medicines and Epidemiology
- Internal Medicine
- Paediatrics
- Ophthalmology
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Radiology (Diagnostics and Therapeutic)
- Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
- Orthopaedics and Trauma
- Otorhynolarygology
- Urology
- Medical Education
- Occupation and sports Medicine
- Dentistry and Oral Surgery
- General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)
Note: The candidate must be a Reader with a Ph.D. degree or Fellowship of National Postgraduate Medical College and its equivalent in the relevant field and evidence of outstanding and continuing achievement/teaching experience in a University.
Read Also: Federal University of Technology, Ikot Abasi (FUTIA) Recruitment.
General Requirement For Federal University of Medical and Health Science Kwale Recruitment
- Advanced competency in written and oral English with the ability to communicate clearly and confidently in a professional work environment.
- Interested applicants must be physically and mentally fit
- Interested applicants must be of good behavior and composure
- All candidates must have a valid means of identification such as a valid driver license, National Identification Card, International passport, Voters card, or NIN number
- A minimum of five (5) credits including English and Mathematics in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE)
- Interested candidates should not be more than 40 years at the time of application (Non-Academic).
- Possession of B.Sc, HND, NCE, OND in relation to the applied position from a recognized institution.
- Must have completed the mandatory one-year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program
- Professional qualifications and/or certifications proffer will be an added advantage.
- Must be adaptable and demonstrate the ability to traverse different assignments and work locations.
How To Apply For Federal University of Medical and Health Science Kwale Recruitment
- Visit official website fumhsk.edu.ng.
- Sign up / Create Account with your email / phone number
- Provide all the necessary information
- Upload your document / credentials and your scanned passport
- Review your application and
- Submit
- Take print-out once your registration is successful
Curriculum Vitaes (CV) must be prepared following the format indicated below:
- Full Name (Surname first in capital letters)
- Place and Date of Birth
- Nationality
- State of Origin and Local Government Area
- Permanent Home Address
- Present Postal Address / GSM Number / E-mail Address
- Marital Status
- Number and Ages of Children (if any)
- Educational Institution Attended with Dates
- Academic and Professional Qualifications Obtained with Dates; (enclose photocopies of certificates)
- Working Experience including full details of former and present Post(s) including Community Service where applicable
- List of Publications where applicable
- Honours / Distinctions
- Extra-Curricular Activities
- Position Applied for
- Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees
- NYSC discharge Certificate or Exemption certificate
- Any other relevant information.
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