HPSC PGT Recruitment Engagement Portal – The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) has open recruitment section by uploading the new vacancy details for 864 posts. The JSSC will run the recruitment drive for Junior Clerk and Stenographer posts. The willing contenders can deposit the forms for the JSSC Junior Clerk and other posts online. see requirement and how to apply below.

The management of the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) invites application from interested and suitably qualified person to apply for new vacancy as Junior Clerk and Stenographer posts. See application process and how to apply.
The application submission for the Junior Clerk and other posts has started on the JSSC website from 1 July 2024. The JSSC will keep the online portal open for the Junior Clerk and Steno posts until 10 August 2024.
HPSC PGT Recruitment Exams Date
23-25 September 2024
HPSC PGT Vacancy Number of Positions Required
The JSSC Commission has released the job notification for Junior Clerk and Steno posts. The vacancy for the Junior Clerk posts is 837 and for the Steno posts is 27. The eligible applicants can submit the forms for the Junior Clerk and other posts online.
- Junior Clerk – 837
- Stenographer- 27
Requirement and Eligibility For JSSC Inter Level Job 2024
The JSSC organization has specified the requirements for the Junior Clerk and other posts, check below.:
Education Details
- The nominees who have done the 12th Class from the ratified college/school/ can apply for the JSSC jobs.
- The person must have the recommended Hindi typing speed to apply for both the JSSC posts.
Age Limit
- The JSSC will allow a minimum age of 18 years for the Junior Clerk and other posts.
- The maximum allowed age for the JSSC Junior Clerk and other posts is 35 years.
Application Fee
- For General/OBC- Rs 100 is the application fee for the JSSC posts.
- For SC/ST- Rs 50 is the application fee for the JSSC jobs.
HPSC PGT Recruitment Selection Process
- Written Examination– A CBT test will be organized to hire the applicants for the Junior Clerk and Steno posts in Jharjgnad state.
- Typing & Shorthand Tests– The JSSC organization will check the typing speed of the applicants for the Junior Clerk and Steno posts.
How to Apply for JSSC Inter-Level Online Recruitment Application 2024
- The online link for the Junior Clerk and Steno posts is active on the JSSC website (https://jssc.nic.in/).
- The nominee should choose the name of the posts in the JSSC form.
- Enter the details in the JSSC Junior Clerk and Steno form.
- Scan the docs and another certificate as per instructions to upload them in the JSSC form.
- Submit the JSSC form with fees.
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