HSSC Group D Result Checker Portal – The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) have released its 2024/2024 Group D result for all the candidate that participated in the last exams. The HSSC has officially released the revised and remaining vacant posts result. The candidates can check the HSSC CET Group D Result from the website hssc.gov.in.

The management of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has released its Group D result for 2024 candidate, If you applied kindly check your result below.
Is HSSC Result 2024 Out?
Yes! The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) Group D result is Out. Candidates can check the HSSC Result from the website hssc.gov.in.
HSSC Group D Recruitment Important Dates
The HSSC invited online applications for the CET Group D 13526 posts applications from 5 June to 6 July 2023. The HSSC CET Group D exam was held on 21-22 October 2023. The HSSC Result was declared on 8 March 2024. The result of the vacant posts of Group D will be declared on 19-20 July 2024.
HSSC Group-D Selection Process
The HSSC conducted the Common Eligibility Test (CET) for Group D posts in the various departments under the Government of Haryana. Based on the HSSC scores, the candidates are called for document verification. The HSSC CET Group D merit list is prepared only based on the CET Group D Score/ Marks.
How to check the HSSC Group D Result 2024
The candidates can check the HSSC CET Group D Result from hssc.gov.in. Click on the Result in the menu bar to find all the latest results declared by the HSSC. We will provide the direct link to the Group D Result 2024 PDF after the HSSC declares the Group D result.
Download HSSC Result Here (PDF)
About Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) (Earlier Subordinate Services Selection Board) is an organisation under Government of Haryana to recruit staff for various posts of Group B, C, D in the various Departments of the Government of Haryana and in the subordinate offices. HSSC was established on 28 January 1970 in Haryana.
The Organization recruits the candidates to fill the posts under State Police, Town Improvement, Trust, Zila Parishad or Panchayat Samiti, Municipality, Municipal Corporation and under State Govt. Local bodies or Cooperative Institutions.
The Secretary of Haryana Staff Selection Commission changes from August 2022 Now IRPS officer Sh. Vinay Kumar is new secretary of HSSC and Sh. Daljit Singh is new Controller of Exams.
- Group-1 Civil Engineering Jobs (Level of Exam- Diploma in Civil Engineering)
- Group-2 Electrical Engineering Jobs (Level- Matric+ Diploma in Electrical Engineering)
- Group-3 Mechanical Engineering Jobs (Level- Matric+ Dip in Mech. Engineering)
- Group-4 Computer Engineering Jobs (Level- Matric+ Dip. in Computer Engineering
- GROUP-5 Architecture Jobs (Level- Matric+ Dip in Architectural Assistantship
- GROUP-6 Account’s Jobs (Level of Exam B. Com)
- GROUP-7 Agriculture Posts-Level- B.Sc. Agriculture
- Group-8 (Level of Exam- Diploma in Instrumentation & control)
- GROUP-9 A.L.O/ Legal Assistants (Level- Bachelor of Law)
- Group-10 Statistical Jobs (Level of Exam- B.A. with Economics/Maths/Statistics)
- GROUP-11 Dietician (Level- M.Sc. Dietician)
- GROUP-12 Fire Station Officer (Level- B.E. in Fire/ (B.Sc.+ Dip in Fire from NFSC)
- GROUP-13 Feature Writer/ A.I. & P.R.O. (Level- Graduate+ Dip in Journalism/ Mass Com.
- GROUP-14 Inspector Legal Metrology- (Level- B.Sc. with Physics/ Dip in Engineering.)
- GROUP-15 Pharmaceutical Jobs (Level- Matric+ Diploma in Pharmacy)
- GROUP-16 Staff Nurse (Level- B.Sc. Nursing/ Diploma in G.N.M.
- GROUP-17 Junior Coach/ Director Phy. Edu. (Level- Graduate+ Dip in Sports from NIS)
- GROUP-18 Librarian (Level- Graduate+ Diploma in Library Science)
- GROUP-19 Boiler Attendant (Level of Exam- Matric+ Class-II Certificate by C.I.B.)
- GROUP-20 Assistant Managers (Level of Exam- B.Sc. Food Processing/ Dairying)
- GROUP-21 Seed Certification Officer (Level- M.Sc. Seed Technology)
- GROUP-22 A.L.M./ Electrician/ Shift Attendant
- GROUP-23 V.L.D.A. (Level- Matric+ Two years Dip in VLDA
- GROUP-24 – Sub Fire Officer
- Group-25 Scientific Assistants/Analyst (Level of Exam- B.Sc.- PCB)
- GROUP-26 Draughtsman Civil Jobs (Level- Matric+ Diploma in Draughtsman civil
- GROUP-27 Network Assistant/JTA/Store man (Level of Exam- Diploma in ECE)
- GROUP-28 Modeller (Level of Exam- Matric+ Diploma in Clay Modelling & Sculpture)
- GROUP-29 Mechanic/ Operator cum Mechanic
- GROUP-30 Fire Operator cum Driver (Level- 10+2 and holding license in H.M.V. Driving)
- GROUP-31 Fitter/ Turner (Level- ITI Certificate in Fitter/ Turner/ Mechanical Trade)
- GROUP-32 Multi-Purpose Health Worker- Matric+ course in MPHW
- GROUP-33-Draughtsman (Electrical)
- GROUP-34 Draughtsman (Mechanical)- LEVEL- Matric+ Dip. in Draughtsman (Mech.)
- GROUP-35 Veterinary Lab Technician Level- Matric+ Diploma in DVLT
- GROUP-36 Sanitary Inspector Level- Matric+ ITI Diploma in Sanitary Inspector
- GROUP-37 Mining Officer (Level of Exam- B.Sc. Geology
- GROUP-38 Assistant Archaeologist (Level of Exam- M.A. in Ancient Indian History)
- GROUP-39 B.Sc. Micrology Jobs
- GROUP-40 Mason (Level- Matric+ ITI Certificate in Mason Trade)
- GROUP-41 Plumber (Level- Matric+ ITI Diploma in Plumbing)
- GROUP-42- Section Holder/ Layout Artist cum Paster (Level- Matric+ Dip in Printing Technology)
- GROUP-43 (Dispenser Ayurvedic)
- GROUP-45 (LEVEL- 10+2 with science, agriculture as one of the subjects
- GROUP-46 Dental Hygienist (Level of Exam- Matric+ Diploma in Dental Hygienist)
- GROUP-47 Ophthalmic Assistant (Level of Exam- Matric+ Diploma in Ophthalmology)
- GROUP-48 Operation Theatre Assistant (Level of Exam- Matric+ Dip in OTA)
- GROUP-49 (LEVEL- 10+2 with science, Diploma in Lab Technician)
- GROUP-50 Indian Cook (Level of Exam- Matric+ Course in Catering)
- GROUP-51 Motor Winder (Level of Exam- Matric+ ITI Certificate in Motor Winding Trade)
- GROUP-52 – (Dispenser Unani) Level- Matric+ Course of Up-Vaidya/ Unani Dispenser from University
- GROUP-53-Prosthetics& Orthotic Technician (Level of Exam- Matric+ Diploma in Prosthetics
- GROUP-54 Surveyor (Level of Exam- Matric+ ITI Diploma in Surveying)
- GROUP-55-Work Supervisor (Level- Matric+ ITI Certificate in Building Construction/Maintenance
- GROUP-56 Common Graduate Level (Level of Exam Graduate any discipline)
- GROUP-57 Common Senior Secondary Level
- GROUP-58_59_60_Skill examination Syllabus/ for all Stenographer
- GROUP-58 Steno(Both languages)
- GROUP-59 Steno(English language)
- GROUP-60 Steno(Hindi language)
- GROUP-61(For Public Health Engineering Dept. & Housing Board Haryana only)
- Group-62 (Level of Exam- ITI, E.C.E. Trade)
- GROUP-63 Env.Engr. (Level of Exam- Diploma in Civil/Chemical/Environmental Engineering)
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